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Aminet Uploads until 07.08.2001
YAT.lha              comm/mail  577K+Yet Another heap of Taglines for YAM
crossgcc_linux.tgz   dev/gcc    2.8M+Crossgcc linux to AmigaOS
NotizieAmiga.lha     docs/lists 952K+Mailing-list NotizieAmiga 07/2001 (Itali
Aakt0801GFX.lha      docs/mags  542K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
Aakt0801GUIDE.lha    docs/mags   73K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
Aakt0801HTML.lha     docs/mags  218K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
HBible.lha           docs/misc  1.2M+Hebrew Bible with vowels and cantillatio
ChaosHeavy.lha       game/2play  16M+World's Best Magic Game! 1-8 players! Fa
AquaDemo.lha         game/demo  2.5M+Aqua demo version of great new adventure
mhi_MASPro.lha       hard/misc   10K+MHI MAS Player Pro driver
ASIE.lha             misc/emu    45K+ASIE (AMIGA Space Invaders Emulator)
mhi_dev.lha          mus/play    56K+MHI Dev - The new standard in MPEG audio
mhi_MASStd.lha       mus/play     9K+MHI MAS Player Standard driver
PlayGUI.lha          mus/play   785K+Skinnable multi-format player-GUI
PlayGUIShot.jpg      mus/play   172K+Screenshot of PlayGUI 3.2
arcadesnookeri.lha   pix/mwb      7K+Nice MWB icon for Arcade Snooker
doomicon.lha         pix/mwb     65K+Neat MWB icon for Doom
quakeicon.lha        pix/mwb      7K+Nice MWB icon for Quake
Robot.jpg            pix/trace   20K+Raytraced Robot
StarRacker.jpg       pix/trace   36K+Futuristic Rocket Car
Alecos-WB-1.jpg      pix/wb     141K+A nice desktop 800x600 16 Bit by Alecos
Ital301.lha          text/misc  566K+English to Italian Translator v. 3.1
GS-JAnim.lha         util/batch   7K+Join&Spare space on HD (Genetic Species)
2b_Spiral.lha        util/boot    3K+A little toy to make Your Workbench look
e-bin.lha            util/cli    72K+Port of "e", a full expression evaluator
WarpDTPrefs.lha      util/dtype 122K+WarpDT preferences program V44.5
WarpTIFFdt.lha       util/dtype 209K+TIFF datatype V44.1 (68k,WarpOS,MorphOS)
AslToRT.lha          util/misc   23K+Asl/Arp/Req/Intuition/RT requester to RT
envhandler.lha       util/sys    14K+A happyenv replacement (1.10)
Safe.lha             util/virus  35K+Virus detector v16.3
FlagsWB3.9_GR.lha    util/wb      3K+WB 3.9 Flags, Country files for Greece, 
sgrab.lha            util/wb     95K+Screen grabber with GUI (1.17)
(as) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 07. Aug. 2001, 16:37] [Comments: 0]
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