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Czech Amiga News

AmiWest 2001: 9 minuts movie from the show
On a 9 minutes movie from the AmiWest 2001 show was released. This movie shows the responsiveness to AmigaOS x86, views on the Boxer, AmigaDE programming, Amiga tatoos, and SOCK PUPPETS.

It shows Kermit Woodall, Joe Torre, Dr. Ryan of Merlancia Industries, and many more.

There are two versions of the movie, one of low (8,795k) and one of high (25,567k) resolution MPEG-1 video format.

A copy of this movie, the MP3 files of the speeches, and the Sheep screenshot are also available from (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 05. Aug. 2001, 17:21] [Comments: 0]
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