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Amiga Inc.

AMIGA Inc. News
press release:

Amiga joins Tao in its plans to support Open Contents Platform Association
Snoqualmie, WA - July 13, 2001

Amiga today announced its support of the Open Content Platform Association (OCPA), The Tao Group, along with Sharp, JVC and Kyocera, launched the OCPA today to promote the creation of a flexible and open environment that will benefit hardware vendors and content developers.

The Amiga developer community is the largest and most experienced at creating applications targeting the intent platform from Tao. Amiga developers are well known in the industry for creating compelling multimedia applications. Amiga is already working with a number of Tao partners to deliver games and productivity applications for the intent platform.

"The standardization of the intent platform will help Amiga's development community target a broad number of hardware devices", said Bill McEwen, the President and CEO of Amiga, Inc. "Our experience with intent has shown that it is an excellent platform for building multimedia applications. We have more than 18 months of expertise in creating application that run on intent and we look forward to working with the OCPA to share our experience with them."

"Amiga has been an excellent partner with a worldwide development community that can benefit from this initiative", said Francis Charig, Chairman of the Tao Group. "Amiga's inputs will be valuable to the working members of the OCPA and we welcome their participation."

Amiga offers developers a number of programs and products to help build applications. The Amiga SDK (available at offers a development environment and tools for developers. The Amiga Support Network ( offers developers a forum for discussion, mailing lists, and other infrastructure for joint collaboration efforts.

Amiga has also signed a distribution agreement with Sharp Corporation that allows content created by Amiga developers to be distributed on Sharp Space Town. Sharp Space Town provides applications and other content that run on the Sharp Zaurus and other Sharp PDA devices. Amiga also offers distribution channels for worldwide markets.

About Amiga Inc.
Amiga Inc. provides technology to developers for writing and porting applications to a new multi-media operating system which is hardware and operating system agnostic. Amiga is based in Snoqualmie, WA, 28 miles east of Seattle and has offices worldwide.


Bill McEwen
Amiga, Inc.
Tel: +1 (425) 396-5660
Fax: +1 (425) 396-5671
Email: (ps)

[News message: 14. Jul. 2001, 22:00] [Comments: 0]
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