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Thomas Steiding (e-mail)

epic interactive: Amiga version of The Feeble Files?
In the last weeks we received quite a few e-mails and requests for an Amiga version of our upcoming Mac conversion of the cartoon adventure The Feeble Files. Since porting the game to the Macintosh is now completed we have evaluated the possibility of an Amiga version of this great game. An Amiga version would require an 060/PPC equipped Amiga with 32 MByte RAM and a graphics board (4 MB). The game would come with complete English and German speech versions on at least 2 CDs. You can find more information on this great title in the projects section of our homepage.

Because the Amiga market has declined over the past 12 months and porting a game to another platform is always also a financial risk we have decided to start a preorder campaign for The Feeble Files Amiga: If we receive at least 400 preorders for this game we will bring The Feeble Files to the Amiga. Porting the game from the Mac to the Amiga should not take more than 6 weeks, so that the game could theoretically reach Amiga users by early September. Please send orders to The game will cost Euro 51,10 (plus shipping). If you wish to pay by credit card please contact KDH Datentechnik. (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 13. Jul. 2001, 11:29] [Comments: 0]
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