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Fun Time World

Compiler: GenesysOne for Amiga announced
With the following press release Xin Software Design announces a new compiler which first is to be developed for AmigaOS (68k).

4. Juni 2001: GenesysOne announced
Considering the pros and cons of Amiga situation: For a longer time Genesys Compiler is being planned and is now to be developed for AmigaOS (first only for 68k), too - all tests have been successfully completed for making a compiler for Amiga.

Genesys compiles Genesys-sourcecodes as well as C and C++-sourcecodes. This is possible without any problems because of the high similarity of the programming languages because the compiler is an extension of the programming language C++.
Additional features will simplify the use of ARexx-ports, several tasks and lists as well as deliver additional datatypes for scientific tasks and allow a better control over datatypes and data.
Genesys-projects are object-orientated in all sectors but it is also possible to program processor independable assembler. The abilities of the programming language are being extended concerning the machine as well as the concept.

In order to ensure the controlled development presently there are defined a lot of test cases and the project as well as the implementation are being exactly planned. Also the connection to the developer area 'void' is being defined.
After the Amiga-port further Genesys-compilers have been into consideration for Linux as well as x86 and PPC-hardware.

GenesysOne-Compiler will be the compiler which exists first and which is the equivalent of the incomplete beta version of the final Genesys-compiler. The first final versions will be probably published at first quartal of 2002. (ps)

[News message: 06. Jun. 2001, 16:10] [Comments: 0]
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