Olaf Köbnik via E-Mail
Amiga Arena: Special price for SoundFX
In cooperation with Stefan Kost the Amiga Arena makes possible a special price
for SoundFX valid from 01 June to 01 August 2001 for orders placed via the
Amiga Arena.
SoundFX is an editor for digitized audio data (samples), built modular with
a comfortable GUI.
With SoundFX you can add digital effects (which are unique on the Amiga) to
samples and edit them. Following a list of some features:
- More than 50 effects with many parameters and various possibilities to
modulate them.
- SoundSynthesis (AM, FM, ...)
- 3D Cube Parameter Modulation (mix, equalize)
- Effects: e.g. reverberation, echo, delay, chorus/phaser, morph, pitchshift
- Operators: e.g. Resample, ZeroPass (FadeIn/FadeOut),
Middle, Plify, Mix, DeCrackle, ConvertChannels
- 2D/3D Spectrum analyzis
- Very good Sehr gute resonance capable filters and boosters
- Mono, stereo, quadro
- Sample data are held in RAM and on harddisk at 16bit quality.
- AHI player (for sound card owners)
- System conform coded (tested with Cyberguard, Wipeout, and Blowup)
More information are to find at SonicPulse.
[News message: 31. May. 2001, 22:51] [Comments: 0]
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