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Jens Schönfeld (ANF)

Cooperation between Petsoff and individual Computers
After a long time the efficient Delfine soundcard continues being produced with a DSP (digital Signal processor) at individual Computers. The card was reworked on the Zorro-site to increase the performance to a level which has never been there with unchanged Z-II buses: "Delfina Flipper edition" gains more than 5MB7sec! This speed can be used to play more channels than it has ever been possible on a different Z-II soundcard or to reduce the cpu-using while playing single channels. All known DSP functions and programs for the Delfina also work with the new cards inclusively the most interesting application which is playing MP3 files with minimal cpu-use. Thus an Amiga without a turbo board is able to play MP3 in best quality!

With the help of the Toccata emulation and of the AHI software interface the Delfina can be used by each software which needs a soundcard. A midi expansion connects the Delfina to midi-expanders, synthesizers and keyboards.

By reworking the Delfina s oundcard by individual Computers the costs could be enormously reduced. The new cards will be probably available in summer 2001. Petsoff website (ps)

[News message: 30. May. 2001, 20:30] [Comments: 0]
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