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Aminet Uploads until 26.05.2001
DOpusRxTrash.lha     biz/dopus    3K+Global trashcan for DOpus Magellan
AmigaDynsCX.lha      comm/tcp     2K+Update Dynamic IP at
rxsocket.lha         comm/tcp   162K+Rxsocket.library TCP/IP ARexx library
clockita.lha         dev/basic   68K+Italian clock+alarm+source code (bugfix)
Rkm_asm.lha          dev/src    272K+My own translations and codes of the R.K
ReCatItPro_PL.lha    docs/help   11K+Polish Locale for ReCatItPro1.0
SGrab1.14PL.lha      docs/help    9K+Polish Locale for SGrab1.14
JumpingAround.lha    game/demo  188K+JumpNRun demo game, working in progress
Mattonite.lha        game/demo  259K+BreakOut demo game, working in progress
Mattonite_Src.lha    game/demo  323K+Source codes of Mattonite and MattoniteE
ArTKanoid.lha        game/wb    104K+ArTKanoid V1.1 - a tiny break out game f
da3v21.lha           misc/sci   1.6M+Update Digital Almanac III V1.x to V2.1
da3v31.lha           misc/sci   2.0M+Update Digital Almanac III V2.x to V3.1
da3v35.lha           misc/sci   1.9M+Update Digital Almanac III V3.x to V3.5
rno-r061.lha         mods/misc  252K+Rno-records release no.61 by spektra/boh
Juman_en.jpg         pix/art     42K+Japanese portrait (10.000 Yen banknote)
HTMLstrip.lha        text/misc   24K+HTML stripper which can also replace HTM
MiraWizARC_HU.lha    util/arc     2K+Hungarian catalog for MiraWizARC11b
unpacker.lha         util/arc    26K+GUI for CLI based unpackers (LHA...)
Stm.lha              util/misc   41K+A replacement SAY/GUI that uses most, if
MemTest.lha          util/moni   53K+Test CHIP/FAST memory. V1.0 (MAY/20/2001
rmh.lha              util/rexx   70K+Rmh.library - Rexx Must Have library
rxasl.lha            util/rexx   22K+Rxasl.library 9.0 asl functions for ARex
rxcd.lha             util/rexx   34K+RxCD 8.1 - Audio CD ARexx Library
envhandler.lha       util/sys    13K+A happyenv replacement (1.7)
Image2Icon.lha       util/wb     59K+Creates thumbnail icons 68k+WOS (1.17)
sgrab.lha            util/wb     53K+Screen grabber with GUI (1.15)

[News message: 26. May. 2001, 23:41] [Comments: 0]
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