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Amiga Network News more Comfortable
Christian Kemp did a technical extension of the Amiga Network News website (ANN), re-activated the notify service, and changed the HTML code.

Now the page optionally supports cookies. If cookies are active the current settings, own name, and e-mail address is saved to cookies. This facilitates entering of comments.

The notify service was re-activated, so subscribers are automatically informed about updates, again.

The layout was reset to the previous version and all of the MS Internet Explorer specific changes has been removed, since it seemed to be impossible to request all of the Amiga browser variants, which indeed announce themselves as CSS2 capable browsers via spoofing, but do not support every CSS2 feature.

Amiga Network News offers commentable topical messages from the Amiga sector. (sd)

[News message: 06. May. 2001, 18:32] [Comments: 0]
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