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Software News (Update)
QuickNote v1.5 - beta2
At OnyxSoft is version 1.5 (Beta2) of QuickNote by Stephan Blixth being published. This program is, as the name already suggests, a virtual notepad.
Download: quicknote15b0501.lha

Report+ 4.6 beta 2
With Report+ by Amigan Software bugreports, Aminet readme files, autodocs and similar reports can be created in an easy way. The programm is freeware and supports the GUI systems ReAction and GadTools.
Download: 4_6beta2.lha - 382 kB

Sysmon V1.16
Etienne Vogt has made version 1.16 of his system monitor available for download.
Download: Sysmon116.lha - 140 kB

WinFellow alpha v0.4.3 build 1
Of the Amiga emulator WinFellow has version alpha v0.4.3 build 1 for Win9x/2k (DirectX 5) and Windows NT (DirectX 3) been released.

New libraries for MorphOS
Timm S. Müller of binary distillery has ported the guigfx.library and mysticview.library to MorphOS. Both libraries simplify graphical operations.
guigfxlib.lha - 245 kB
mysticlib.lha - 125 kB

Stephan Rupprecht has released the version 1.3 of his HappyEnv replacements 'ENVHandler'.
Download: envhandler.lha - 7 kB

SecondSpin v2.17 beta
Beta version 2.17 of SecondSpin is available. This is a tool to convert audio CDs to MPEG audio 1, 2 or 3. Additionally further formats like AIFF and WAV are suppported. For the MPEG encoding you need a modified version of LAME.
SecondSpin_Install.lha (ps)

[News message: 05. May. 2001, 16:22] [Comments: 0]
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