KATO Development Group
AMPlifier V2.26
AMPlifier is in the first line a comfortable player program for MP3
(MPEG) audio, but can also play different 16-bit sound formats (AIFF,
MAUD, WAV, RAW). AMPlifier supports hardware based MPEG audio decoder as much as
software decoding via MPEGA.library.
The graphical design can be fit to everybody's own likings via so called 'skins'.
As the same system as in WinAMP is used there are several thousands ready skins
Now AMPlifier is available in a new version with several new functions.
- Shoutcast/Icecast MP3 streaming ('.m3u' and '.pls')
- ID3v2 tag support
- new AREXX instructions
- 8-bit WAV support
Download: amplifier226.lha
[News message: 05. May. 2001, 15:02] [Comments: 0]
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