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Amiga Flame

AmigaDE: 'Cyberoxygen' Company
Cyberoxygen is developing software for the AmigaDE. They envisage a new generation of digital appliances spreading to all parts of life. So Cyberoxygen will develop products for desktop computers, PDA's, digital TV-sets, up to computer supported cars and refrigerators.

Java[TM] API's, PDA/desktop games, as well as the sound editor, player and converter 'Sounds Cool' belong to their current projects.

'Sounds Cool' will support different audio formats, such like Microsoft's RIFF WAVE PCM (.wav), AIFF, MP3 (import), Ogg Vorbis (.ogg), and music modules (import, mod, .s3m).

Ogg Vorbis is about an audio format offering similar opportunities like those of MP3. The Ogg Vorbis format is open source and not patented.

On the Cyberoxygen site there is a link to jorbis - being an Ogg Vorbis decoder for Java[TM].

[News message: 29. Apr. 2001, 16:39] [Comments: 0]
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