BTTR team
Back To The Roots Amiga News 229
'Back to the Roots' is a website that offers old Amiga classic games
for download with the agreement of the copyright owners. New added are the two
great games 'Carrier Command' and 'Battle Command'. Those
can be downloaded for free from "Back to the Roots". Besides these two, there are
also 'Valhalla 2', 'Garfield', 'Hattrick!',
'Soldier of Light', 'Detroit' and many other games available.
For friends of effects there were tons of brilliant demos at the annual Mekka Symposium
demo party. The best of those were added to the BTTR archive. New pixel art
works by artists like Critikill or Acryl can be admired. Great screenshots of
the 3D action game Genetic Species, the Turrican clone Land of Genesis and the
classic Disposable Hero are waiting in the picture gallery, too. For music
friends there are 115 new pieces.
[News message: 28. Apr. 2001, 11:27] [Comments: 0]
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