Michael Ulbrich on ANF
IDE-SCSI-Adapter Available
From now on we provide the IDe-SCSI adapter by the Hantz company.
This adapter makes it possible to connect cheap IDE harddisks to
a SCSI host. Reasonable useable with the SCSI-Kit for Blizzard cards,
BlizzardPPC, FastlaneZ3, WarpEngine, 4091, a.s.o.
Up to now it was Successfully tested with FastlaneZ3, Blizzard-Kit on 1230/4, CSPPC.
The transfer rates achievable are impressing: more than 17MB/s on a CSPPC, close to
8MB on FastLaneZ3 or the Blizzard-Kit.
Connection of the adapter is trouble-free, cause it is completely transparent for the host,
meaning there is no additional software needed. Just plug it in, start any HD installation
program and configure the disk.
Compared to a SCSI harddisk one absolutely can save several hundred Dollar! One advance
compared to common IDE solutions is the observable lower CPU charge due to the DMA
possibility of the usual SCSI host adapters.
Answers to questions are to find under the title link inside of the forum of SHOPnFUN (German).
[News message: 05. Apr. 2001, 22:44] [Comments: 0]
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