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Neodym on ANF

Sharp Zaurus Really Exists!
Because many reports at least doubts the existence and availability of Zaurus-PDA I kept my eyes opened and went shopping in Tokyo. Zaurus does really exist! Two of them I held in my hands. It is written all in Japanese but the device gives a very solid and good impression. The silver metal housing (there were just dummies of the white and lilac variant) looks very fine and feels good (just like Palm V).

The display is very comfortable: Big, colourful and white lighted as well as rather sharp and well readable. Zaurus is just as thick as a PalmVx in its metal case.

I have taken away a Japanese flyer. If anybody should be interested in it I will try to scan it or to take a photo.

[News message: 04. Apr. 2001, 17:10] [Comments: 0]
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