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Jens [bruZard] Henschel on ANF

1.) Changes in staffing level:
Our team now exists of 10 staffers. Rico Pook took over the web design for us and we would like to cordially welcome him on this occasion.

2.) Domain:
X-CELLENCE at last could take their domain and is reachable under, now.

3.) Cooperative team management:
We separated X-CELLENCE into divisions. Each of the divisions is working on their project independent from the other teams. This allows maximum of flexibility which is especially advantageous in the shrinking Amiga market.

4.) Wanted ....
Due to division of X-CELLENCE we are facing a staffing problem. We still are wanting graphicians and programmers. For those we would prefer people out of the Amiga community. Graphicians should be familiar with 2D/3D tools on AMIGA and/or PC. They would work in the divisions "GOLD" and "EAST".
I.e.: "SCR2K" (FunRacer) and "NYN" (3D ActionAdventure Shooter). We are exclusively wanting programmers for the AmigaDE. The Classic market is no longer taken into account by us.

[News message: 21. Mar. 2001, 18:32] [Comments: 0]
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