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Kåre Johansen via E-Mail

Is there a Future for 'SerialRipper'?
I need 2 get in reach of ppl that want to take over the project I'm working on.. Or WAS is a better word for it now.. The project I'm talking about is a Multi-Module/Sound ripper for Amiga..

The project goes under the name of SerialRipper.. I'm sure of there are ppl that heard of this project.. Well.. Since I have stopped developing it, I was wondering if anyone wanna continue my work on it?.. I have coded it using AmigaE (by Wouter) and Assembler.. I've been using MUIBuilder for creating MUI's for it.. U as the new coder of it, should have knowledge of coding in E and ASM.. So, if u're up to it..Please let me know.. My email are as follows:

[News message: 21. Mar. 2001, 16:34] [Comments: 0]
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