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Bob Scharp via eMail

Amiga2001 - 1. April - Tip
Press release: Some of you have commented on our Amiga2001 show falling on April 1st. If you are not familiar, April 1st in the U.S. is called April Fools Day. A day when some pull pranks. To answer your concerns about the last day of the show being held on April 1st, all I can say is...

"The joke's on our competitors. They're going to feel like it's 1985 all over again!"

Anyone familiar with the original release of the Amiga should know how this statement applies.

See you in St. Louis in just over a week. Remember, the Banquet is going to be something special. We only have a few tickets left, so get your orders in now.

Amiga2001 - An Amiga Odyssey

Sheraton West Port - Lakeside Chalet Hotel
St. Louis, MO. USA
Friday March 30 thru Sunday April 1, 2001

[News message: 20. Mar. 2001, 13:39] [Comments: 0]
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