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Software News
VersionWB V2.16
Håkan Parting made version 2.16 of VersionWB available for download. The program displays version strings and is easy to use with DirOpus or RO.

akMPEG V.4.60
Andreas R. Kleinert released version 4.60 of this MPEG-player. Download: akMPEG4.lha

JST V4.7
Version 4.7 of JST by Jean-Francois Fabre were released and is now available as freeware! JST lets you install games on your harddisk and offers patches to increase the compatibility to new Amiga-systems. Download: jst.lha

wav-Datatype V41.9
Stephan Rupprecht released version 41.9 of the wav sound datatype (68k + WOS). Download: wavdt41.lha

WHDLoad V14.0
Bert Jahn released version 14.0 of WHDLoad. WHDLoad helps you to install floppy based games on your harddisk. Download: WHDLoad_usr.lha

Rafal Kaczmarczyk announced the soon release of version 7 of the database-editor XBaze. The new version will contain localizations and documentations for different languages.

Scalos Plugin
There is a new update of the 'Persistent Windows Plugin' for Scalos available at the Scalos homepage. The plugin remembers opend windows even after a crash of your computer. Download: Scalos-Plugin_PWindows.lha

[News message: 19. Mar. 2001, 05:52] [Comments: 0]
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