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Bob Scharp via E-Mail

As formerly reported several times, the Gateway Computer Show 'Amiga2001' will take place in St. Louis from 03-30-2001 to 04-01-2001. Petro Tyschtschenko will attend a celebration on the occasion of his retirement at the show .

The original message:

»Petro Tyschtschenko is hosting a celebration at the Amiga2001 show. That's right, Petro has been kind enough to provide funding for a little celebration of his retirements. Check out the web pages for this special announcement.

Don't forget, we have a ROAST of Petro lined up for the Banquet. The deadline for advance ticket purchase and the Banquet have been extended to Monday March 26. Banquet tickets are only available in advance this year. So get you check in pronto. Tickets are selling very well.

The Amiga2001 web pages have been updated several times since my last email. If you haven't checked them for venors and prizes lately, you should look again. We'll have more next week too. So check often.

Several companies have been kind enough to donate prizes for our show. Also, the hall is filling up quite nicely, so check and see if you've missed any of the vendors.«

[News message: 18. Mar. 2001, 13:26] [Comments: 0]
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