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Achim Stegemann

Programmers for Internet Software Project Wanted
Achim Stegemann wrote:
Programmers wanting to participate in a software project for the Amiga are wanted.

The project's focus is to program a shared library to make developing of Internet programs easier for less experienced programmers.

Many of us know the problem: One would like to load a file from the Internet via FTP or HTTP protocol with his own program, but doesn't know the respective procedure or addressing bsdsocket.library is too complicated cause you don't know the commands needed. In such cases diverse source codes from Aminet or Linux sources offer only limited help.

The library (maybe by the name of ftp.library ?) would do all this work for the programmer. For example it should be easy to access files on FTP servers by "FTP_Directory", "FTP_Open", "FTP_Read", "FTP_Write", and "FTP_Close" (function names are possible examples). Similar should be possible for HTTP or other protocols (e.g. e-mail communication).

The library is meant to become freeware to make it available for any program developer. Anybody conversant with the use of BSD socket commands and Internet protocols wanting to participate in this project is called to contact me via e-mail

[News message: 04. Mar. 2001, 20:50] [Comments: 0]
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