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Simon 2001 V2.1
Simon is a small classic computer game where the objective is to repeat an ever growing sequence of lights and sounds. This is a small update and re-compilation of an old routine written by BoingWorld editor: Richard 'DawnBringer' Fhager.

Simon2001: Is a remake of an old classic game where the objective is to repeat an ever growing sequence of lights and sounds. Download it here.

I played a version of this game on the C64 --- and while I could never repeat more than 15-20 steps I had a friend that managed almost 70!!! (I have 100 steps in this game) --- If you can top this or even get close to my friends "record": Please, mail me, and let me know!

This was originally an old game I wrote back in '91. I added a nicer interface in '97. This version (v2.1, Feb 2001) is slightly polished and recompiled.

Download: simon2001.lha (64K)

[News message: 04. Mar. 2001, 18:59] [Comments: 0]
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