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Manfred Rauer on ANF

New Strategy Game Planned
Alien Imperium is supposed to become a network and Internet game which is supposed to support several operating systems, because it will be programmed in Java. It will be made in co-operation of Amig@lien with AccM Software Allianz.

In this space strategy game you have to be superior in technology and tactics to other races. For instance you can invent a lot, but you can also enter alliances as well as other contracts.

Everybody who liked Imperium Terranum will be fine with this game. This game will be delivered on CD-ROM and will certainly be released for the AmigaOne, but also a classic-Amiga version is planned. We hope you are already excited.

Here is a hint for all who cannot wait for it: We hope to be able to show a graphic and sound presentation to the computer revolution 2001. (Ricco Clemens)

Those ones who want to support the project "Alien Imperium" should mail to AccM or Amig@lien. We are grateful for each help! Manfred Rauer (POI)

[News message: 28. Feb. 2001, 18:00] [Comments: 0]
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