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bplan GmbH

bplan GmbH: Pegasos First Hardware
bplan announce the first hardware platform to be available.

bplan GmbH announce the first Pegasos prototypes to be available. The fist hardware line is currently in progress at DCE and after technical clearance will be utilized for system software verification purposes.

According to bplan a first official presentation of a working system is to be expected for early May, already. At the same time developer systems for software companies will be available. As for possible operating systems for those machines Linux as well as MorphOS are supported directly.

In those systems the bplan GmbH for the very first time makes a platform available including the virtue of an open system like Linux, as well as direct support for existing Amiga® software. Contrary to alternative basic approaches MorphOS is capable of running existing Amiga® programs in a native PowerPC environment. The synergy effects between both operating systems (Linux/MorphOS) as a result of this let the Pegasos systems be interesting for both, developers and users.

[News message: 24. Feb. 2001, 03:38] [Comments: 0]
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