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Heise [Newsticker]

Heise: Napster Must Not (Completely) Go Offline
»Though the music exchange service Napster must not completely go offline, but has to stop illegal copying of copyrighted music. The court, which had to decide about the injunction in the context of the music industry's claim against Napster, confirmed this injunction meaning that Napster violated copyrights, but wants to have it changed. Because this decision to take Napster offline completely would have overshot. According to the current decision Napster has to stop the exchange of songs in the case of violation of copyrights. Until the injunction got changed it was delayed. But in fact this is about to withdraw Napster's foundation - except for they will come to terms with the owner of the copyrights before the injunction becomes effective.«
Complete article to find under the title link (German).

[News message: 12. Feb. 2001, 21:55] [Comments: 0]
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