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Sascha Koebner on ANF

SPIEGEL: Jenny E. of the New Economy
In the current issue of the SPIEGEL (German magazine), in the context of an article about the shady scheming of the former hacker Kim "Kimble" Schmitz, on page 128 the following sentence is written:

"Already as a teenager Schmitz realized that one can do much more than just playing "Pac-Man" with an Amiga computer. Pretendedly he invaded the secure systems of the NASA, Pentagon, and Citibank. Soon he got the aura to be a computer genius. But this version is vehemently mistrusted inside the hacker scene."

A very interesting article making clear that genius and (megalo)mania are very close neighbours.

[News message: 06. Feb. 2001, 06:18] [Comments: 0]
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