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Eternity News

Eternity News: MPG Video-card / USB for AMIGA
Eternity wrote:
We are looking for some developers for the realising of an MPEG-Video-card or a USB-card for the Amiga in co-operation with Kato Development:

Programmers that develop drivers and host programs, based on Linux-sources, for the Amiga. We consider the following suppositions:
  1. The intention to develop something 'New' for the Amiga.
  2. There has to be some time available.
  3. You have to know that you wont become a millionaire by developing for the Amiga.
  4. Will for co-operation.
  5. C and C++
  6. Know about the Amiga-hardware.

With the knowhow of Kato and some other persons we will try to develop one of the above mentioned products. We make no promises!

Additionally we are looking for distributors that would like to support the investment and will get better conditions.

And last but not least we would like to come in contact with other projects of this kind, cause if there are already projects like this running, we will renounce ours.

[News message: 08. Jan. 2001, 02:42] [Comments: 0]
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