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CES: Interview with Grant Courville, QNX
At CES, Christoph Dietz has interviewed Grant Courville from QNX (English translation by Martina Jacobs):

QNX, also one of more than 1,500 exhibitors on CES in Las Vegas, is still in mind of the Amiga community as a partner for the Amiga platform from the age of Jeff Schindler and later of Jim Collas. About that time, development after that - and regarding this most of all about porting to PPC boards by phase5 taken in consideration - I talked to Grant Courville.

QNX presents Neutrino

Neutrino not an a PC for once

Darrin Fry, manager Photon development, proudly prensents how the Amiga operating system would have looked like, if there wasn't any change of direction.

To Courville, former development manager and now manager of the "World Wide Sales Engineering", after the end of development together with Amiga, QNX benefits from many users' and developers' feedback QNX received. Those days QNX had placed "QNX on disk", their operating system with browser, TCP/IP stack and some demos, on one single 1,44 MB disk. Also the neutrino's multimedia capabilities made capital from the developments which - by the way - mainly were done by QNX. But also the marketing effect would have been very fortunate for the company's further assignment.

The splitting of the Amiga community into QNX and Linux supporters, which rose Jim Collas' decision, he regards to be the most negative effect imaginable. He will take a look at the AmigaSDK in any case, cause "perhaps there might be another future for QNX and Amiga". He thinks porting to QNX would not be a big problem.

As in July 1999 the porting of neutrino to the PowerUP boards by phase5 was announced (see our message) users started hoping, again. But there never was more to see than the press release. Unfortunately phase5 never delivered any PPC board to enable QNX to use the Amiga computer available. Contact to phase5 dropped away as time went by. Though there is the QNX operation system for PPC processors in the meantime, but just not for PPC equipped Amiga computers, cause there is no matching to the typically Amiga custom chips. Due to the minor number of existing boards chances for porting are to estimate as very low, said Courville finally.

European Contact Addresses:

QNX Software Systems Ltd.
Voice: +44 (0) 1223 204800
Fax: +44 (0) 1223 204801

QNX Software Systems s.a.r.l.
Voice: +33 1 64 61 81 61
Fax: +33 1 64 61 81 62

QNX Software Systems GmbH
Voice: +49 (0) 511 94091 -0
Fax: +49 (0) 511 94091 -199
Email: (Translation: mj)

[News message: 08. Jan. 2001, 01:21] [Comments: 0]
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