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Alfred Sturm

New Aminet Uploads
ksmED.lha            comm/irc    55K+Edit/Create Kuang11 '.ksm' files for /sa
StreAmi.lha          comm/misc   38K+Shoutcast/Icecast Amiga client (v1.24)
samba_2.0.7.lha      comm/tcp   6.3M+Port of the free SMB client and server
streamer.lha         comm/www    27K+Internet radio - Shoutcast player
APL-JOIN.lha         demo/euro   25K+"Jointro" by Apollo - December 1995
APT-A500.lha         demo/euro    4K+"A500 Gourad" - A 4K Intro From Apathy (
APT-BYO.lha          demo/euro    8K+"The Byoot" - A 4K Intro By Apathy
APT-GRO.lha          demo/euro   78K+"Groovey" - A 64K Intro From Apathy (The
APT-OFF.lha          demo/euro   36K+"Offshore#1" - Messagebox by Apathy (Aut
APT-SBS.lha          demo/euro   72K+SBS by APATHY - Released at The Gatherin
APT-ZEE.lha          demo/euro    4K+Zeebeeking (4K) By Apathy At Kindergarde
ITC-REW.lha          demo/euro   11K+"Rewired" - Winner 10K Intro From Kinder
ITC-SWP.lha          demo/euro   54K+Swappers Paradise - Old Swaptro By Insti
SPT-BUB.lha          demo/euro  126K+"Bubble" - An intro by Specter from Dece
VOD-VOY.lha          demo/euro  224K+Voy-Voy - Demo By Void For Kindergarden 
FuriousReply.lha     demo/slide 982K+An unreleased manga slideshow by BoyzOut
SFSTools.lha         disk/optim  34K+Some tools for optimizing SFS file syste
AIOV42.lha           docs/mags  327K+Amiga Information Online, Issue 42 (Dece
BigSouthNP.pdf       docs/misc  311K+Fantasy novel in pdf format
FormAldiHyd.lha      hard/drivr  41K+Tablet driver for Aldi/Tevion/Aiptek/...
imdbDiff001215.lha   misc/imdb  2.5M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
aa2001.lha           misc/misc  1.6M+Astrologic texts, german and HTML (DEMO)
rEvENge.lha          mods/blkha 147K+REvENgE PT mod by blakkhar
LifeSinus.lha        mods/misc  1.1M+XM Acid Jazz by Mr.Lou / Dewfall Product
Protector.lha        mods/misc   31K+Custom module from "Protector"
TheFight.mpg         mods/misc  4.9M+MP3 Dance by Mr.Lou / Dewfall Production
NMS_BXmas.lha        mods/pro    82K+Black Christmas - By Nemesis/Zenon
bo-102.lha           mods/techn 497K+#102 bOhema release - SPEKTRA (mod).
bo-103.lha           mods/techn 533K+#103 bOhema release - TZX (mod).
bo-104.lha           mods/techn 251K+#104 bOhema release - KLINTON (xm).
crs_qwe.lha          mods/techn 706K+CRS00057: speaker for the dead - qwe
vdo_alt2.lha         mods/vdo   380K+Alternative auto 2 [xm 10ch]
MMV8_Disk_2.lha      mus/edit   425K+MusicMaker V8 Version 3.0
AmigaAMP.lha         mus/play   577K+MPEG audio player with GUI (68k/PPC)
EasyPlayer.lha       mus/play    90K+The alternative music player, v1.03, Xma
EP_ChipTracker.lha   mus/play     5K+EaglePlayer "ChipTracker" external repla
EP_DSS.lha           mus/play     6K+EaglePlayer "Digital Sound Studio" exter
WB13Icons.lha        pix/icon    43K+Some old icons for 640x256 screens
woa2k-walk.mpg       pix/mpg    4.6M+MPEG-Video of the walkaround at WoA 2000
woa2k-webcam.mpg     pix/mpg    4.9M+MPEG-Video of the *AC#-Webcam at WoA 200
Impact.jpg           pix/wfm    272K+Impact
InTheClover.jpg      pix/wfm    351K+In The Clover
LghtnngStrk.jpg      pix/wfm    306K+Lightning Strikes
OFS018.jpg           pix/wfm    744K+What Hubble might see in Fractal Space
OFS019.jpg           pix/wfm    653K+What Hubble might see in Fractal Space
OFS020.jpg           pix/wfm    552K+What Hubble might see in Fractal Space
OFS021.jpg           pix/wfm    403K+What Hubble might see in Fractal Space
OFS022.jpg           pix/wfm    566K+What Hubble might see in Fractal Space
OFS023.jpg           pix/wfm    546K+What Hubble might see in Fractal Space
OFS024.jpg           pix/wfm    502K+What Hubble might see in Fractal Space
OFS025.jpg           pix/wfm    259K+What Hubble might see in Fractal Space
OFS026.jpg           pix/wfm    446K+What Hubble might see in Fractal Space
OFS027.jpg           pix/wfm    453K+What Hubble might see in Fractal Space
MirrorCopy.lha       util/cli    21K+Create/maintain exact copy of dir (V1.6)
TransPrefs21.lha     util/sys    41K+TranslatorPrefs V2.1 (bugfixt)
Ver.lha              util/sys    14K+Bugfixed replacement for c:version 40.1
VisualPrefs_HU.lha   util/wb     10K+VisualPrefs: Hungarian Catalog file

[News message: 27. Dec. 2000, 22:50] [Comments: 0]
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