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HiSoft Systems

iBrowse News
Middle of December on the support forum of iBrowse, which was hosted by and now doesn't exist no more it was to read that Stefan Burstroem, author of iBrowse has got a full time job, cause he wasn't able to exist from what he gains from iBrowse, any more.

Here the original message form the HiSoft forum:

«Unfortunately, after many, many years of hard work on iBrowse, Stefan Burstroem (the author of iBrowse) has been forced to get a full-time job. The revenues coming in from iBrowse sales simply are not enough to support worldwide marketing plus a salary for the author.

Although Stefan remains committed to iBrowse and the Amiga, it is difficult to see how he can take the product forward without help. And, even then, I cannot see how enough revenue will come to pay the people involved.

Please let me know if any of you have any ideas how this problem can be solved. David»

On the iBrowse product page at Hisoft (see title link) it is mentioned that it is absolute necessary to have a look at the demo version of iBrowse before registering, to be sure that the browser fulfils your needs. According to Hisoft so much changes have happened to the internet, that Amiga browser cannot keep up, any more.

Here the original text:

«The latest version of the Amiga's premier web browser.
Note that the Internet has moved on and the Amiga has not kept up, so some modern websites are not accessible on the Amiga because they require software that is not available for the Amiga. Therefore, before you purchase an iBrowse 2 keyfile please ensure that you have downloaded the evaluation version and satisfied yourself that iBrowse 2.2 is suitable for your requirements.»

Conclusion: At this time further development of iBrowse is not to expect. But at eGroups still a discussion forum for iBrowse users is available:

[News message: 23. Dec. 2000, 16:46] [Comments: 0]
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