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Fun Time World

WOA: Eyetech - AmigaOne/AmigaDE-Roadmap
Together with the partners Escena (Martin Schueler) and Hyperion Software (further partners are Haage&Partner (68k-Emulation) and Michael Rock(PCI/AGP-Resource Libraries and other things)) the company Eyetech has presented their plans regarding their AmigaOne computer. Fun Time World has released diagrams of this presentation.

The AmigaOne 1200 from Eyetech is a PPC-PCI-system plus Amga hardware and 68k-emulation for use with Amiga Classic and AmigaDE software. The PPC system is based on the project Brainstormer by Escena.

Via the WestBridge of the system the A1200, IDE, 1 AGP- and 4 PCI-slots are connected. Via the NorthBridge the PPC-cpu, the SDRAM, USB and two more PCI-slots. The PPC can access the Amiga-system (custom chips, Chip RAM, Amiga I/O).

On starting the system the FlashROM is copied into the SDRAM, then the 68k-emulator respectively the AmigaDE is activated and the Amiga Classic' booted. The Amiga Classic software now runs on top of the 68k-emulation on the AmigaOne-board (PPC) and uses the Amiga specific hardware of the integrated A1200-board.

The emulation only emulates the command set of the 68k-cpu-line but no Amiga specific hardware like AGA which exists as real hardware. The emulation is memory intensive and therefore needs a fast memory access. For a step-by-step adaption of the software 'in-line'-PPC-code is supported.

The following planned schedule is given in the diagrams.

Amiga Classic
  • 12/2000: developer system
  • 01/2001: Classic OS-drivers
  • 01/2001: 680x0-emulator
  • 02/2001: system for betatesters
  • 1. quarter 2001: finished version of the AmigaOne A1200 for use as extended Amiga Classic (PPC, PCI/AGP-Slots)

  • 07/2001: AmigaDE for end-users
  • 07/2001: AmigaDE graphics, drivers and so on
  • 08/2001: AmigaDE port for (every) AmigaOne possible
  • 1. quarter 2002: availability of ready-to-use applications especially for AmigaDE

[News message: 10. Dec. 2000, 07:54] [Comments: 0]
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