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Christoph Meier at ANF

MPEG 4 available for Amiga soon
Let me inform you about our new MPEG-4-based codec called 3ivx. You probably heard of DivX ;-) as a movie compression format. And indeed it's great. But we (the whole team, under the supervising eye of Mr. Stux who has created the DivX ;-) Player for Mac) want to go a bit further. Our goal is to optimize compression so that the file size is smaller, of a higher quality and fully streamable. Moreover the codec will be supported on all platforms (Windows, Macintosh, BeOS, *nix (inlcuding Linux), Amiga ...). To accomplish this the code of the player will become an open source.

[News message: 04. Dec. 2000, 12:46] [Comments: 0]
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