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David Gerber via eMail

Genesis Rights Controversial
On 28. September 2000 Haage&Partner released a note in which the company announced to have obtained distribution and copyrights for the TCP/IP-Stack 'Genesis' from Active Technologies (Chris Wiles). Through this acquisition H&P received the possibility to integrate an own TCP/IP stack into the new AmigaOS Version 3.9 without any complications.

Note: The Genesis package is continued development of the AmiTCP/IP package by Network Solutions Development, Inc. (NSDi).

On 2. Dezember 2000 David Gerber, who is working by order of NSDi on AmiTCP, released a press note by NSDi. According to this Active Technologies didn't possess the rights for the AmiTCP part of Genesis and hence couldn't sell these rights to H&P.

In this message NSDi among other things were written that they regard a distribution of AmiTCP/IP without a direct contract with NSDi as an act of piracy.

To avoid misunderstandings with actual valid license contracts NSDi further withdraws all for the time being valid licence contracts. Due to NSDi' own representation this is possible as Chris Wiles (Active Technologies) didn't observe his part of the license by not paying any licensing fees since early 1999.

H&P is anxious to solving this problem friendly.

The exact wording of the press release of NSDi is available under the title link.

[News message: 03. Dec. 2000, 10:13] [Comments: 0]
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