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Fun Time World

Payback Status Report
On the 3. Dezember 2000 James Daniels from Apex Designs has released the 16th status report about the game 'Payback' inclusive new screenshots.

The game similar to GTA nears completion, so there were added many new levels during the last month, besides that, the following has been done:
  • Resolutions up to 1280x1024 are now supported.
  • Graphic cards are now supported. On a 68060 a smooth animation is reached using a resolution of 640x480.
  • There is now support for different languages. The Amiga Translation Organisation(ATO) is at translating the game into the following languages: German, French, Italian, Spanish, Norwegian, Czech, Slovenian and Serbian. Besides that English and Swedish are supported.
  • PSX controllers are now supported. All buttons are used so that the navigation can be done completely over the game pad. The keyboard will then only be needed to enter the filename for saving the game and similar things.
  • Various bugs were fixed, among others a long standing bug which allowed the it to the player walking on the water.
  • New screenshots of the night level were released. The textures will be improved until the completion of the game.

[News message: 03. Dec. 2000, 04:49] [Comments: 0]
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