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Christoph Meier on ANF

Computer Bild: Amiga wieder da (Amiga back again)
Computer Bild (German comuter magazine) reports in issue 23/2000, page 4:
«After a more than 6 year break, the almost legendary (and considered dead more than once) US company Amiga has announced the production of hardware. Starting fall 2001, the computer "Amiga One" will be produced by third parties. This will be running games, music and office applications. "The best" of old Amiga software will be prepared for the new computer.»

Anja Frese told us via e-mail, that there also is an article about Amiga on page 60 of the the current issue of Computer Woche (German computer magazine).

[News message: 07. Nov. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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