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Christoph Meier on ANF

PCWELT: Amiga is back!
PCWELT reports positively about the Amiga One. Look at the article under title link. (German)

There is a report about Amiga at I.T., too:
Amiga OS to run in household electronics
«The OS by Amiga runs on TV set-top-boxes, portable devices and game consoles. They also report about an already signed contract on a DSL TV set-top-box and eleven several arrangements. In the video-text of the ZDF (German TV-station) the following message was released: New Amiga-models from summer 2001: After more than six years the software producer Amiga has announced new desktops and workstations for summer 2001. This is about a special hardware-specification. Besides this Amiga is going to support portable devices like Handhelds and Personal Digital Assistants (PDA). The new computer shall have at least 64 MB RAM, a graphics board by Matrox, and a sound system by Creative Labs.»

T-Online (German internet provider) also reports:
«AmigaOne will come next summer (German)
New PC follows the trend. Amiga wants to come out grand again. Over six years devotees had to wait. After the announcement of a platform independent Amiga operating system the corresponding hardware now is supposed to appear, too.»

The non-Amiga medias collective are strongly interested. We have listed all these and even more articles in chronological order in the category extern articles.

[News message: 25. Oct. 2000, 07:16] [Comments: 0]
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