NListtree V18.5
Version 18.5 of the NLosttree-class for MUI were released. The class presents listree entries in a tree structure
and it supports drag&drop, and multi-selection of entries. The changes are:
- Preparse-String-Pointer at MUIP_NListtree_DisplayMessage.
- Drop-Types are now public. It uses the same values then NList-Drop-types.
- When hiting return MUIA_NListtree_Doubleclick will be selected.
- NULL-pointer were replaced by the text "*** NULL POINTER ***".
- Multi-Test-Hook will be called in every case of multi-selection.
- New: MUIM_NListtree_PrevSelected.
- New: MUIV_NListtree_FindName_Flag_Selected - only finds selected entries in MUIM_NListtree_FindName.
- Bugfix when DoubleClicking: there are no effects if DoubleClick were set to something else then ALL
- New Doubleclick-value: MUIV_NListtree_DoubleClick_NoTrigger.
The class needs AmigaOS 2.x, MUI V3.8 and MCC_NList V0.89 (NList.mcc V19.97).
Download: MCC_NListtree.lha (169K),
[News message: 23. Oct. 2000, 10:56] [Comments: 0]
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