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Alfred Sturm

New Aminet Uploads
XADopus_NO.lha       biz/dopus    1K+Norwegian catalog for XADopus Module 1.2
Sashi89.lha          comm/misc   13K+Link software between TI calculator and 
MiamiPhone.lha       comm/tcp   152K+V2.3 Miami phone.log time & cost (MUI)
SMSEngineerMUI.lha   comm/tcp   216K+SMS via Amiga - International V1.0.6 - *
simplehtml.lha       comm/www    32K+V0.12 of the simple HTML Offline Browser
wpz-frozen37.lha     demo/aga   1.4M+Frozen#37 - Special October Edition
Python16.lha         dev/lang   1.5M+Python language 1.6 (bin+lib)
xad_RPM.lha          dev/src      9K+RPM xadmaster client
xad_Wrapster.lha     dev/src      7K+Wrapster xadmaster client
dblocate.lha         disk/misc   26K+A quick find util like locate on Linux
StarFighter.lha      game/data  580K+StarFighter Source Code
WBPSanta.lha         game/data  207K+Animated puzzle for WBPerplexity 1.5+
mangband.lha         game/role  328K+Mangband 0.7.0 beta - client
simplepac.lha        game/wb     74K+Version 1.3 of the simple WB Pacman Game
R4_Delta-Flyer.lha   gfx/3dobj  466K+Delta Flyer (ST: Voyager) for monzoom
CGX2TV.lha           hard/hack    9K+Very simple TVout for GFX card v0.2
atari800.lha         misc/emu   187K+V1.2 of the Atari 8-bit emulator
TDMouse-1.1os.lha    misc/emu    48K+Use a serial PC mouse on the Amiga! Vers
imdbDiff001006.lha   misc/imdb  2.0M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
indamix2k.lha        mods/techn 1.5M+Ultimate Club Megamix from Psycho/MOODS
DeliDecrunch.lha     mus/play     8K+New DeliTracker Decruncher: XFD/XAD
Melbourne-show.jpg   pix/art     16K+Jpg picture with fxPaint
FixNI.lha            util/cli    13K+Fix NewIcons for OS3.5
IcoDT.lha            util/dtype  11K+Dt for .ICO files (43.4)
ttflib68000.lha      util/libs  253K+Ttf.library v0.8.3 truetype font engine
ttflib68020.lha      util/libs  252K+Ttf.library v0.8.3 truetype font engine
ttflib68030.lha      util/libs  251K+Ttf.library v0.8.3 truetype font engine
ttflib68040.lha      util/libs  251K+Ttf.library v0.8.3 truetype font engine
ttflib68060.lha      util/libs  251K+Ttf.library v0.8.3 truetype font engine
AmiGOD.lha           util/moni   89K+V1.25 - Test and identify wb-program
extractico.lha       util/wb      3K+Extract ICO files from exe and dll's (1.
Ico2Info.lha         util/wb      5K+Converts .ICO to .info (44.7)
Image2Icon.lha       util/wb     29K+Creates thumbnail icons from images (1.1
MUISearch13_NO.lha   util/wb      2K+Norwegian catalog for MUISearch 1.3

[News message: 17. Oct. 2000, 04:53] [Comments: 0]
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