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Bayona on ANF

Gary Peake: Statement on the AmigaSDK for Windows
We have, as our first concern, developers. Developers need to be able to make money or they stop developing for a platform as we have all seen. Windows currently holds 85% of the desktop market.

Having said that, envision a run-time environment that is so small you can sell a CD of YOUR applications, games, etc along with this run-time environment and know that it will load and run on Windows, Linux, etc.

How valuable is this to a developer?

Once the AmigaDE takes hold and as market share increases, then we have even more opportunity for our developers (who are all hungry or should be after a 9 year drought).

On the up side, there is this list, where new Linux SDK users may get the assistance they need to remain un-shafted, and Amiga Inc. continues to work and partner with more factions of the Linux and Open Source communities.

And our commitment to open source won't waiver. It takes BOTH kinds of development to enhance a platform.

Gary Peake
Director Support
Amiga Inc.

[News message: 28. Sep. 2000, 01:40] [Comments: 0]
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