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Alfred Sturm

New Aminet Uploads
STEP_Txt.lha         biz/dbase  251K+Star Trek StarBase-Text (620)
OpusGIFlags.lha      biz/dopus  144K++180 Flags NewIcons in OpusGIBar's forma
XADopus.lha          biz/dopus   23K+XADopus.module 1.2 - browse XAD archives
eGroupsScanner.lha   comm/mail    4K+Strips eGroup adverts, with GUI.  V0.13 
MuYaReq.lha          comm/mail   31K+Info Req about selected YAM e-mail
MLogBook.lha         comm/misc  509K+HAM Radio LogBook with CallBook (v0.40be
SMSEngineerMUI.lha   comm/tcp   246K+SMS via Amiga - International V1.0.2 - *
SRTG.lha             comm/tcp    58K+Simple Router Traffic Grapher for MiamiD
TaskiSMS.lha         comm/tcp   385K+Sends SMS to GSM phones (MUI). New plugs
JavaSScrollTex.lha   comm/www     1K+JavaScript Scrolling Text Aweb3.3 IBrows
Tidy.lha             comm/www   133K+Tidy your HTML - fixes common HTML error
WebYAM.lha           comm/www    13K+Web interface for YAM
nebula.lha           demo/aga    19K+V1.01 - Real-time creation of galaxies a
TRSI-Ear.lha         demo/aga   229K+Ear Brothers Promo-tro by TRSI in the ye
TRSI-Porky.lha       demo/aga   474K+Porky's Disco promo by TRSI in the year 
TRSI-Shane.lha       demo/aga   234K+Shane-tro by TRSI in the year 2000 
wla_dx_020_6.6.lzh   dev/cross  209K+WLA DX v6.6 - GB-Z80/Z80/6502 Macro Asse
adfblitzer.lha       disk/misc   23K+A program to write & read adf-files!
DVD-RAM.lha          disk/misc   61K+DVD-RAM (2.6, 4.7 GB) FFS/SFS/FAT95 Driv
BuffyHTML.lha        docs/hyper 403K+Buffy Guide HTML edition v2.2 (79)
AIOV39.lha           docs/mags  1.2M+Amiga Information Online, Issue 39 (Sept
FunnynessRel6.txt    docs/misc   26K+Funnyness release 6. Some jokes and comp
Fnurr2000.lha        game/actio 137K+Simple game by DawnBringer
amigo5_7.lha         game/board  81K+A "Go" board and player for the Amiga. v
AMono_source.lha     game/board 770K+Source code for AMonopoly
ChaosLite.lha        game/board 5.4M+World's Best Board Game! 1-8 players! Fa
F1GP_2000.lha        game/data   11K+2000 F1 season data for F1GP-Ed (25 Sept
PiH.lha              game/think  39K+People in History Revision   gfx/conv    16K+Translation into Italian Language of the
mccontrol.lha        hard/hack  413K+V1.51 PSX MemoryCard Reader
TestGear1.lha        hard/hack  325K+Simple test equipment projects, Disk 1.
TestGear2.lha        hard/hack  330K+Simple test equipment projects, Disk 2.
TestGear3.lha        hard/hack  194K+Simple test equipment projects, Disk 3.
vtxthack.lha         hard/hack    6K+At the I C BUS adapts the signal lengths
Juggler.lha          misc/antiq 241K+The famous Juggler ray-traced animation 
RoboCity.lha         misc/antiq  44K+The famous "Robo City" animation demo
DarcNES.lha          misc/emu   136K+NES/SMS/GG/PCE/SG1000/CV emulator v9a091
cutquotes.lha        misc/imdb   12K+Patch 'quotes.list' for MovieMUI 3.5a (1
imdbDiff000915.lha   misc/imdb  3.3M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
TheSender.lha        mods/atmos 411K+Orchestral DBM with guitar by R.KAPP
asphmix.lha          mods/blkha 153K+Protracker mod by blakkhar
crazyphasemix.lha    mods/blkha  93K+Remix Protracker mod by blakkhar
getrennteZeite.lha   mods/blkha 559K+Protracker mod by blakkhar
likdamind.lha        mods/blkha 210K+Digibooster mod by blakkhar with DSP-Ech
Str_elec.mpg         mods/elbie 7.5M+Stripped Electronique [Synth] by ElbiE^t
sbf_ls2k.lha         mods/misc   20K+Little Song 2k - sbf/phx
crs_brd.lha          mods/techn 2.5M+CRS00056: hardcorrosion :: brain damage
tek_vacum_mmx.lha    mods/techn  64K+Vacuum mmx - minimalistic stomp
SampleZ.lha          mus/edit   117K+16Bit HD-Edit SampleEditor successor of 
Timidity270.lha      mus/midi   1.9M+TiMidity++ 2.7.0 -- MIDI to WAVE convert
BileLeague_Rai.lha   pix/boot   535K+BileLeague Rainboot config
Bile_Rainboot.lha    pix/boot   433K+Bile Rainboot config
ALEM_0032.lha        pix/misc   2.2M+ALEM's ScalaMM Digitized Backgrounds
HexShow.lha          util/cli     5K+Shows files as Hex
EasyConvert.lha      util/conv   21K+Easy Convert - converts miles - km, etc.
ReportPlus.lha       util/misc   60K+Report+ 3.4: 9-function utility
ReqAttackUpd.lha     util/misc  200K+Rel6: ReqAttack1.3, RAPrefsMUI 1.64, Req
NewSearch.lha        util/sys     7K+Open-source replacement for "C:Search".
VEPatchBrain.lha     util/virus  17K+PatchBrain v1.18 for VirusExecutor v2.xx
VirusExecutor.lha    util/virus 218K+VirusExecutor v2.05
MagicUser.lha        util/wb    552K+MultiUser System for the Amiga Workbench
WB2000_16.lha        util/wb    411K+Win98 Menu & Task bar (MUI)
Workbench2000N.lha   util/wb      4K+Norwegian catalog for Workbench2000

[News message: 27. Sep. 2000, 08:09] [Comments: 0]
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