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Manuel Weinert on ANF

Amiga NG - Microsoft is Planning this for Years.
Microsoft, Redmond, USA.
Microsoft is developing a technic called IL (Intermediate Language) for years. The underlying concepts are amazing similar to the AmigaNG! There is no JustInTime compiler but the IL-modules were preloaded and compiled into native code at runtime (with corresponding hardwareoptimizations). All is integrated in Windows and will be released with VisualStudio 7.0 and C# in 2001 or 2002. This is another way for MS to other hardwaresystems like mobile phones or handhelds. Even games will be available for different hardwaresystems by using IL and a core-kernel.

Annotation of the author: AmigaNG still have chances: it is smaller, does not depend on a special OS, faster available for different devices and not a product by Microsoft.

Further informations are available at the titlelink.

[News message: 25. Sep. 2000, 07:35] [Comments: 0]
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