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Andreas Rief on ANF

AsimWare Stops Support for Amiga
Asimware announces at the titlelink that they will discontinue the development of, and support for Amiga-products and that Software Hut still has some Amiga-products by Asimware on stock.

«All Asimware Amiga products and technical support have now been discontinued. Asimware announces, with great regret, that they immediately discontinue all sales and development of all its Amiga-related products. There will be no more product patches or updates for Amiga products. Technical support for Amiga products will come to an end on September 6th, 2000. All remaining information for Amiga products can be found at: If you are still interested to purchase of any of Asimware's Amiga products, Software Hut still has some left on stock.»

At the Asimware contactpage you can find the following hint:

«Questions or problems with an Amiga Product? Asimware Amiga products and technical support are now discontinued. This does not affect our product line for the Windows platform. <- not for HotBurn 2»

[News message: 25. Sep. 2000, 10:53] [Comments: 0]
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