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Manfred Rauer on ANF

The AccM Asks for Your Help
Manfred Rauer wrote:
The AccM is not only a simple computer club where technic enthusiastic computer freaks meet to talk about games. We rather make an effort to develope useful software (and games) and to put them to everybody's disposal.

The club has only one small big problem. They don't have enough capacities in the areas of programming, music, graphics & animations, and 3D modeling.

Therefor we're searching all the time for capable people, who want to support us. But we also want to offer something for this. Everybody who has an idea regarding a project may register it here. It will be presented here, and others not involved have the possibility to take part in it. It shall be a kind of a meetin-place where as many as possible shall take part. It's free and nobody is forced to aquire a membership.

It would be sad and also a big loss for us if nobody could be won over this cool idea. This would mean "Say good bye" to this plan, and again a good thing and a main part of our base idea of which our club is the result would disappear from the scene.

Everbody with questions may write to the POI (Manfred Rauer) and ask for more informations.

[News message: 24. Sep. 2000, 06:54] [Comments: 0]
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