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Heise [Newsticker]

Web Survey: Windows Way Ahead
As an exception we are citing the entire article from Heise.

«With the survey on the best operating system at MSNBX things turned in a wonderfull way. On Friday morning Linux still was ahead with 28% of 18,500 votes, as reported, and now the percentage of votes for the free operating system decreased to 3% of 384,848 votes, untill Sunday evening.

This survey took a curious way: Linux had its grand level at about 03:00 AM with 39%, of the up to that time given 29,100 votes a number of 11,350 belonged to the free operating system. Within the following 20 hours 126,500 votes more were given, of which only 800 voted for Linux (0.6%), stunningly. By that the percentage of votes for Windows 95/98/ME, as well as for NT/2000 was dubbled. Now some are getting suspicious that there must have happened some manipulation. Don't trust any statistics you didn't faked yourself.... »

Supplement 09-19-2000: Andreas Mixich via eMail
Microsoft accepted that the survey was manipulated and in the meantime it was removed leaving the following note:

Sept. 18 MSNBC has removed the Live Vote originally published with this story due to what appeared to be electronic ballot stuffing. The Live Vote, which asked readers which personal computer operating system they think is the best, received a large influx of votes in the past few days, skewing the results. MSNBC has removed the Vote in light of this. MSNBC Live Votes are not scientifically valid surveys.

[News message: 18. Sep. 2000, 12:54] [Comments: 0]
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