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CD32-Allianz via Email

AmigaNG Programs Overview Updated
The CD32 Alliance wrote:

And again the AmigaNG programs overview was updated (dated: 17.9.2000) and contains now all programs that were released since the appearing of the AmigaSDK.

Since the last update 3 programs were added, so that now 70 NG programs are registered.

From now on the AmigaNG programs overview will be updated every sunday. I ask you to consider this.

Urgently german owners of the AmigaSDK are wanted to write reviews about some of the already released NG programs or to introduce NG programs.

Furthermore we search owners of the new d'AMIGA to introduce this also with a detailed review.

To speed up the development of programs for the AmigaNG programmers are wanted who can create a comprehensive workshop about the programming using the new AmigaSDK.

[News message: 17. Sep. 2000, 06:43] [Comments: 0]
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