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European Parlament are giving a favourable opinion on Software-Patents
«The board of directors of the european parlament (EPA) have given a favourable opinion on an unrestricted possibility to patent software. According to the Handelsblatt the authority recommends to withdraw the stipulation that computer applications "as such" are not possible to patent from the European Patent Agreement. .»

«Programmers of free software, as well as smaller software companies are against software patents, cause potential danger of patent suits by big companies would make their work practically impossible. These a days big American companies are already saving a lot of patents on partly trivial developments - they are doing so also to resist against other companies upbraiding patent violation. But free developers and small companies are not in funds to use such a strategy. Thus they have started an Allianz against Software-Patents

I realy recommend everybody, who is interested in that also small software companies can continue to work without allways being afraid of patent suits, to participate in the Petition against Software-Patents by voting. Up to now there have been 38,478 votes! (ps)

[News message: 14. Sep. 2000, 01:04] [Comments: 0]
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