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Thomas Steiding via eMail

Earth 2140
epic interactive announces portation to the Amiga of the successful realtime strategy game "Earth 2140". epic has got the license from Topware Interactive AG to port one of the most popular realtime strategy game for Windows to Mac and Amiga. The Amiga version is currently at an early beta state and release is estimated for early November.

Since Earth runs in 16Bit it requires high level hardware: at least an Amiga with 68040 processor, graphics board and 16MB of RAM. But recommended is an Amiga PPC with graphics board and 32MB of RAM.

Earth plays in the year 2140. The earth is controlled by two competing forces, the Eurasian Dynasty (ED) and the United Civilised States (UCS). Both are at war with each other fighting for the last remaining raw materials on earth.... The Amiga version comes with different localisations, including German.


earth01.jpg (45627 bytes)

earth09.jpg (38713 bytes)

earth11.jpg (42769 bytes)

earthmenu.jpg (53326 bytes)

  • 50 Thrilling Missions
  • 640x480 or 800x600 with 65.000 Colours
  • 70 Different Units and Buildings
  • Multiplayer Mode
  • Stereo Soundtrack with CD Quality
  • 7 Minutes Intro, Breathtaking Inter-Sequences

Up to Oktober, 15th Earth 2140 can be preordered from us. At Amiga Fire from next week you will find regular status reports on the beta state of Earth 2140.

[News message: 13. Sep. 2000, 05:51] [Comments: 0]
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