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Petro Tyschtschenko Starts a New Company
We found an interesting new entry in the German Central Register of Companies. According to this entry, Petro Tyschtschenko, Vice President of Amiga Inc., Germany, has founded together with Frank Basta a new company named "Power Service GmbH". Here's the entry (Translator: Rüdiger Engel):

Federal legal gazette Item 0161, Date: 20000826
51 Handelsregister

Power Service GmbH

Street:Wittelsbacher Allee 58
City:Frankfurt am Main
District Court:60256 Frankfurt am Main
References:HRB 50 102 - 08. 08. 2000
Kind of entry:20 new entry
Date of entry:20000808
Year of entry:2000
Text:HRB 50 102 -- 08. 08. 2000: Power Service
GmbH , Frankfurt am Main (Wittelsbacher Allee
58, 60385 Frankfurt).

Subject of the enterprise is: Mediation of foreign and native persons at companies within the area of software development, the care of these persons (accomodation, food supply) in conjunction with the mediation etc. as a so-called "all-in-one-service"-offer. Capital stock: 25,000,- EUR. Managing director: Petro Tyschtschenko, born 16.04.1943, Roedermark; Frank Basta, born 23.11.1969, Frankfurt/Main. Limited Company (so-called "GmbH" in Germany). The articles of association were finalized on May, 30th, 2000. The managing directors Petro Tyschtschenko and Frank Basta have sole agency right. They are justified, with itself in the name or as representant of third, to finalize legal transactions with the company. (§ 181 BGB).

Not entered: Proclamations of the company are only stated in the federal legal gazette.

Bill McEwen, CEO Amiga, Inc. made the following statement to the above:

"I would be shocked and personally hurt to find out that Petro has not been making Amiga his first priority, and that he has been using his Amiga paid trips to India for his own personal gain. We pay him a wonderful salary, we pay for his Mercedes, his cell phone, and his beautiful offices. He has never spoken to me about any issues or problems, and if he has truly been using our money and time to promote his own company I will be extremely disappointed. I hope that Amiga-News is wrong in their findings."

[News message: 12. Sep. 2000, 02:52] [Comments: 0]
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