Harald Frank
The fastest Driver for ISDN-boards ever!
Harald Frank wrote:
Many did not thought it to be possible, any more. After 1 1/2 years there is a new update for
the ISDN-boards driver software VMC-ISDN for any Amiga ISDN-board. Due to the partly loss of source code, and
some small technical problems we could not release a new version for the ISDN driver over a long period of time.
Some customers even suggested that we would have stopped working on it...., but once again we are able to offer
to you a masterly achievement of Amiga software, which is only to describe using the words better, faster and turbo.
Please, prove us that did not spend so many month full of work for this costly software for nothing, and if you know
another one owning an Amiga ISDN-board, so tell him of the new driver, cause we depend on every support from you.
It would be a pitty, if would not be able to finace this software any more in default of interest. So, come on and
register for the new beta test, now.
[News message: 09. Sep. 2000, 08:31] [Comments: 0]
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