Fun Time World
AddOn-Programming for PageStream
Grasshopper LLC, the distributor of PageStream, published the documentation
of IFF and links to the Application Library SDK on their pages. The release
allows third parties to write plug-ins for PageStream. Interested developers
can find more information here.
Supplement, 09-09-2000 by Ruediger Hanke:
There is a problem unfortunatly mentioned nowhere as it is. The SDK at the time beeing
works solely with SAS/C! If one tries to compile the includes using StormC, he will get
a lot of error messages and an endless loop in the compiler, if lucky.
The includes also are not the only wattle, the enclosed linker-libraries are too SAS/C specific, too.
Fortunatly Deron is very helpful, he promised me to send me the sources of these linker-libraries, so
that I can port them to StormC.
This is not mentioned on the website. At the end one might take the effort (quite a few) to adapt the
includes, just to finde out at the end that the needed linker-library doesn't match. If Deron
sends me the sources, and I would manage to get them running with StormC, I will make up a SDK version
for StromC programmers.
[News message: 08. Sep. 2000, 10:12] [Comments: 0]
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